Current Standings

Current Standings
April Results

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Ride those miles like a red rubber ducky!

Ride them miles! April is at a close so let's see them numbers. I predict Cruise will make an aggressive move this month, but Fixie Dave may be tangling with 07 Robert after some interstate rides. Brent is always strong, but with race season full on I don't know if those big miles will keep coming. I am pretty sure Chris and I get the toilet bowl award for the month. And Herriman is back in action, but has a long ways to catch up. Finkel got in on the HIP 100, and is training for his first 24 solo, so we expect some big numbers!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Cruise is in

and not the crazy Tom guy. Cruise is a young lad from MI ready to tear it up on the road scene, just receiving is CAT 3 upgrade. Cruise is already hot on our heels with 2372 mi at the end of March.

Monday, April 7, 2008

And were back.

Looks like everyone came into march like a Lion! Dave Nice posting a big month with 1385, Chad 1123, Chris 1104, and Tim F with a magical 1234. Dave and Tim are neck and neck with a 100 mile gap. And Shawn in 3rd with 476 miles behind the leader Tim. Of course we still need numbers from Brent and Jim. However, we all live in the shadow of Robert 07.

So, with the 5k mile mark approaching, and ideas for a midpoint prize? Maybe a rad jersey, or some of Shawn's old shorts? Hmmm....

Race season is here!!!!