Current Standings

Current Standings
April Results

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Rad Chad

I just noticed there was request in the comments for a new competitor. Chad is another enduro nut out of AZ. Chad, just post your miles at the end of this month for January and February, and your in.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Spring is almost sprung!

Fond memories of Pontiac Lake Time Trial...
and one of the few times I was in front of Brent. Then I was behind, then he crashed then I was on top of him. Those were the days.

This year is a leap year so everyone has 3 days left to pour on some miles.

FYI, Whiskey Dave is selling a very nice Black Sheep bike. If anyone is interested you can link to his blog.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Introducing MI JIM

Jim is a buddy of mine from good ol' MI. Like the rest of us, he is a bit out there. However, he is a more rounded athlete. Jim competes in trail running and snow showing events, even triathalons. Jim logged 402 miles this month. ON THE TRAINER!!! I am even considering breaking the rules for Jim, and giving him full credit. Any comments?


Blogs are pretty crazy. The 10,000 mile challenge was sited at blue collar mountain biking dot com.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Anyone is welcome!

By the way, anyone is welcome to join this challenge. I just exchanged information with a friend in MI, who was not sure how to get in on the action. Just post your monthly miles and your in. Of course if you lie about your miles, then a jihad will be put on you.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

1st Months Result are Ridicilous

Wow, what a crazy group of riders! Herriman, with the injured back, is not dominating as expected. His usual 1400 for January would of buried the rest of us, but now it is wide open. Whiskey Dave has established a nice lead, but Brent is close on his heels. Pivvay and I are battling for third with his century sneak attack this week.

What about the lurkers? Will Dolpp throw in some miles into the mix? What about Finkel, or Danny K even?

Friday, February 1, 2008

1/12 complete, where you at?

Well its the end of the first month, and I fell a little short of where I wanted to. I was hoping to cram 1000 miles into this month, but I ended up with 897mi and 59.6 hours. Not bad, but a little short. Now that it is February, I think it is time to ask my self "What Would Joel Friel do".