Current Standings

Current Standings
April Results

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Well 2009 10K challenge is going to be seriously scary. Tim has moved up to a level 3 monk with his 20 sided di. Herriman is not going to take it anymore and has already posted one of the highest months ever recorded for the challenge. Plesko, who even has hobbies outside of biking, might break his personal record for January. Abd Fixie Dave can no longer be contained to one state and has opened the entire west as his personal back yard.


Chris said...

Good lord Herriman!

Plesko clocks in at 1061, a new January record.

Soupy said...

due to a late decision to join, and because, well, someone has to bring up the rear.....

Jan. total...... 101 whopping miles!

Alan said...

Is trainer milage 1:1 this year?

My Jan wasn't too bad, lotta trainer work:

Trainer: 882.235
Other: 39.09
Commute: 126.35

Total: 1047.67 in 50:44:52

Brent said...

January: 1190.4
The last week of only 115 miles killed my mark for a record.

This could be a good show between Hermitman and Finkelstein. I think I'll sit back and enjoy the show!

Cruise said...

January: 1,006

Chris said...

Guns blazing in Jan!

Adam said...

I want in on this stuff...

Trainer: 966.49
mtb/other: 43.05

Total: 1006.49 61:40:25

Timothy Finkelstein said...

1240 for the month.

To be honest I've been resting much more than I had at this time last year but have somehow rode more. But then again, I pretty much don;t have a life anymore...just work, ride, rest, repeat.

Thanks again for providing us with another year of motivation Shawn!